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Force Life Science Consulting Terms and Conditions of Lease

Chapter 1 General Provisions


  1. Force Life Science Consulting (hereinafter referred to as the "Lessor") shall lend the Rented Vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the "Rented Vehicle") to the Lessee and the Lessee shall rent the Rented Vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the "Rented Vehicle") to Force Life Science Consulting in accordance with these terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as the "General Conditions").

  2. The Lessor shall lend the rental vehicle (hereinafter referred to as "Rental Vehicle") to the Lessee and the Lessee shall borrow the Rental Vehicle in accordance with the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "General Terms and Conditions").
    Any matter not provided for in these Conditions of Carriage shall be subject to laws and regulations or general custom. The Lessor may accept special agreements to the extent that such agreements do not contravene the intent of these Conditions of Carriage, laws and ordinances, or common customs. In the event of any special agreement, such special agreement shall prevail over these Conditions of Carriage.

  3. If the Lessee designates a different driver from the Borrower when concluding the rental agreement, the Lessee shall make the driver aware of and ensure that he/she complies with the obligations of the driver specified in the General Conditions of Carriage.

 Chapter 2 Reservations


Article 2 (Application for Reservation)

  1. Upon agreeing to the chart of charges, etc. prescribed by the charterer, the lessee shall make a reservation in accordance with the charterer's prescribed procedures, specifying in advance the model and class of car, purpose of use, starting date and time of rental, place of rental, rental period, return location, driver, whether or not a child seat or other accessories are required, and other rental conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Rental Conditions"). The lessor may make a reservation by clearly indicating the start date, time, place, rental period, return location, driver, whether or not accessories such as child seats are required, and other conditions of the rental (hereinafter referred to as "Conditions of Rental").

  2. When the Lessor receives a reservation request from the Lessee, the Lessor shall, in principle, accept the reservation within the rental car in the possession of the Lessor and within the terms and conditions of the rental agreement approved by the Lessor. In such a case, the borrower shall pay the reservation application fee prescribed by the Lessor, unless otherwise approved by the Lessor.

Article 3 (modification of reservation)
The Lessee shall obtain the consent of the Charterer before making any changes to the terms and conditions of the reservation.

Article 4 (cancellation of reservation, etc.)

  1. The Lessee and the Renter shall enter into the Rental Agreement by the time and date of commencement of the Rental as provided for in Article 2, Paragraph 1.

  2. The Lessee and the Charterer may cancel the reservation in the manner prescribed by the Charterer. If the rental agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Rental Agreement") has not been executed at least one hour after the reserved rental start time, the reservation shall be deemed cancelled regardless of the circumstances.

  3. If the reservation is cancelled for the convenience of the Lessee, the Lessee shall pay to the Charterer a cancellation fee prescribed by the Charterer as otherwise provided, and the Charterer shall return to the Lessee the reservation deposit received upon payment of such cancellation fee.

  4. If the reservation is cancelled for the convenience of the charterer, the charterer shall return the reservation application fee received to the borrower and pay a penalty prescribed by the charterer.

  5. If a rental agreement is not executed for reasons other than those set forth in the preceding two paragraphs, the reservation shall be deemed cancelled. In such a case, the Charterer shall return to the Lessee the reservation deposit already received.

  6. Except as provided in this Article and the following Article, neither the Lessee nor the Charteror shall make any claim against the other with respect to the cancellation of the reservation or the failure to execute the Rental Agreement.

Article 5 (Substitute Rental Car)

  1. if the Lessor is unable to rent a rental car that meets the conditions reserved by the Lessee, such as vehicle class, accessories, non-smoking or smoking vehicles, transmission specifications, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Conditions"), the Lessor shall immediately notify the Lessee to that effect; provided, however, that if the Lessor is unable to rent a rental car that meets any of the Conditions, the Lessor shall not be liable for any damage to the Lessee's car.

  2. In the case of the preceding paragraph, if it is possible to rent a rental car under conditions other than those for which a reservation has been made, the Lessor may, notwithstanding Paragraphs 4 and 5 of the preceding Article, apply to the Lessee for the rental of a rental car under conditions different from those for the reservation (hereinafter referred to as "Alternative Rental Car").

  3. If the Lessee accepts the application in the preceding paragraph, the Renter shall rent the Substitute Rental Car to the Lessee under the same terms and conditions as those of the reservation, except for the conditions not fulfilled. In such case, the Lessee shall pay the lower of the rental fee for the replacement rental car or the rental fee for the rental car with the reserved conditions.

  4. If the Lessee rejects the application made in Paragraph 2, the reservation shall be cancelled and Paragraph 5 of the preceding Article shall apply to the handling of the reservation deposit, etc.

Chapter 3 Rental

Article 7 (conclusion of rental agreement)

  1. The borrower and the charterer shall enter into the Charter Agreement by clearly indicating the terms and conditions of the borrowing and the terms and conditions of the loan, respectively, in accordance with the General Conditions of Carriage Fee Schedule, etc.

  2. Pursuant to Basic Notices 2 (10) and (11), the Lessor shall enter the driver's name, address, type of driver's license and driver's license number in the rental book (rental slip) and the rental certificate provided for in Article 13, or attach a copy of the driver's driver's license, and upon conclusion of the rental agreement shall request the lessee to present the driver's driver's license designated by the lessee. The borrower shall be required to present the driver's license and, if deemed necessary by the lender, to submit a copy of the driver's license. If the borrower is the driver, the borrower shall present his/her own driver's license and submit a copy of it when requested by the lender, and if the borrower and the driver are different, the borrower shall have the driver present his/her driver's license and submit a copy of it when requested by the lender.

  3. In entering into the rental agreement, the charterer may request the borrower to submit documents to prove his/her identity in addition to the driver's license, and may take a copy of such documents submitted.

  4. In entering into the rental agreement, the lender shall request the borrower or the driver to provide emergency contact information such as a cellular phone number.

  5. The Lessor may specify to the Lessee, at the conclusion of the Rental Agreement, a payment method such as credit card or cash.

  6. If the borrower or the driver does not comply with the preceding 5 paragraphs, the Lessor may refuse to enter into the rental agreement and cancel the reservation. In this case, Article 4.5 shall apply to the handling of the reservation deposit, etc.

Article 8 (Refusal of Rental)

  1. the Lessor may refuse to enter into the rental agreement and cancel the reservation in the event that the Lessee or the Driver falls under any of the following items

    1. The renter does not possess a driver's license required to drive the rental car.

    2. The renter is deemed to be under the influence of alcohol.

    3. When the renter is deemed to be under the influence of narcotics, stimulants, paint thinner, or other intoxicants

    4. When an infant under 6 years of age is allowed to ride in the vehicle without a child seat.

    5. When the driver is registered on the list of persons to beware of rental (hereinafter referred to as the "Rental Caution List"), which is shared by the National Car Rental Association's Osanbou Management System (hereinafter referred to as the "ZENREKYO System"), as stipulated in Article 25.

    6. When the renter is recognized as belonging to a designated organized crime syndicate, a member or affiliate of a designated organized crime syndicate, or any other antisocial organization.

    7. When the borrower uses violent acts or language or demands a burden in excess of a reasonable range from an employee of the lessor or other related persons in connection with a transaction with the lessor.

    8. spreads false rumors or uses deception or force to undermine the credibility of the charterer or obstruct its business

    9. When the charterer commits any act in violation of the Terms and Conditions

    10. The charterer otherwise deems it inappropriate.

  2. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the charterer may refuse to enter into the rental agreement and cancel the reservation in any of the following cases

    1. When there is no rental car available for rent.

    2. When the rented car is not equipped with a child seat even though the renter or driver has an infant under 6 years of age as a passenger.

    3. Paragraphs 3 through 6 of Article 4 shall apply to the handling of the reservation deposit, etc. in the event that the charterer refuses to enter into the rental agreement pursuant to the preceding two paragraphs.


Article 9 (Formation of Rental Agreement, etc.) 

  1. The rental agreement shall come into effect when the borrower signs the rental agreement honor and the transporter delivers the rental car (including accessories, hereinafter the same) to the borrower. The rental agreement shall come into effect when the borrower signs the rental agreement honorifics and the transporter delivers the rental car (including accessories, the same hereinafter) to the borrower. In this case, the reservation deposit already received shall be applied as part of the rental fee.

  2. The delivery of the rental car as provided for in the preceding paragraph shall be made at the time and place of commencement of the rental period and at the place of rental as provided for in Article 2.


Article 10 (Rental Charges)

  1. Upon conclusion of a rental agreement, the borrower shall pay to the charterer the rental charges as set forth in the following paragraph.

  2. The rental charges shall mean the total of the following amounts, and the charterer shall clearly indicate each amount or its reference in the schedule of charges.
    (1) Basic Charge
    (2) Exemption compensation charge
    (3) Special equipment fee
    (4) One-way fee
    (5) Fuel charge
    (6) Pick-up and dispatch fee
    (7) Other charges

  3. The basic fee shall be based on the fee notified to and implemented by the Director of the District Transport Bureau, Director of Hyogo Land Transport Department of Kobe District Transport Bureau or the Director of the Land Transport Office of Okinawa General Bureau at the time of rental of the rental car.

  4. If the Lessor revises the rental charges after the completion of the reservation pursuant to Article 2, the Lessee shall pay the lower of the charges applicable at the time of completion of the reservation or the charges in effect at the time of rental.

Article 11 (modification of borrowing conditions)

If the borrower wishes to change the terms and conditions of the rental agreement as stipulated in Article 7 after the conclusion of the rental agreement, the borrower must obtain the approval of the Charterer.

Article 12 (Inspection and Maintenance, etc.)

  1. The RENTER shall perform the inspections and maintenance required by Article 47-2 (Daily Inspection and Maintenance) and Article 48 (Periodic Inspection and Maintenance) of the Road Vehicle Law, and shall deliver the RENTAL CAR to the HIRER after the necessary maintenance has been performed.

  2. Upon rental of the Rental Car, the Lessee or the Driver shall inspect the exterior of the Rental Car and its accessories in accordance with the inspection list provided separately to confirm that the Rental Car is free from any defects in maintenance, etc. and that the Rental Car meets the conditions of the rental agreement.

Article 13 (Issuance of Rental Certificate, etc.) (Delivery of Rental Certificate, Carrying, etc.)

  1. Upon delivery of the Rental Car, the Lessor shall deliver to the Lessee the prescribed rental certificate stating the details specified by the Director of the District Transport Bureau, the Director of the Hyogo Land Transport Department of the Kobe District Transport Bureau or the Director of the Land Transport Office of the Okinawa General Bureau.

  2. The borrower or driver shall carry the rental card issued in accordance with the preceding paragraph while using the rental car.

  3. If the borrower or the driver loses the rental card, the borrower or the driver shall immediately notify the charterer thereof.

  4. The borrower or the transporter shall return the Rental Card to the Charterer upon return of the Rental Car.


Chapter IV : use

  1. Article 14 (responsibility of the lessee to manage the rental car) 
    The Lessee or the Driver shall, during the period from the receipt of the Rental Car until it is returned to the Charterer (hereinafter referred to as "the Rental Period"), be responsible for the Rental Car and for its safe and proper management.

  2. The RENTER or the DRIVER shall use and keep the RENTER with the care of a good manager from the time the RENTER or the DRIVER takes delivery of the RENTER until the RENTER returns the RENTER to the RENTER (hereinafter "During Use").
    The RENTER or the DRIVER shall use the RENTAL CAR in compliance with all laws, regulations, terms and conditions, bylaws, operating manuals and any other usage instructions provided by the RENTER.


Article 15 (Daily Inspection and Maintenance)

  1. The RENTER or DRIVER shall perform the daily inspection and maintenance of the RENTAL CAR during its use, as provided for in Article 47-2 (Daily Inspection and Maintenance) of the Road Vehicle Law, prior to each day's use of the RENTAL CAR.


Article 16 (prohibited acts)

The RENTER or the DRIVER shall not engage in any of the following acts during use

  1. use the Rental Car for the purpose of motor transportation business or any similar purpose without the consent of the Lessor and without obtaining the permission, etc. under the Road Transport Law

  2. Use the Rental Car for any purpose other than the prescribed purpose or allow any person other than the driver specified in Article 7 to drive the Rental Car.

  3. subletting the rental car, allowing a third party to use the rental car, or using the rental car as collateral for any other act, etc.

  4. Forging or altering the vehicle registration number plate or vehicle number plate of the rental car, or altering the original state of the rental car by remodeling or refurbishing it, etc.

  5. Use the Rental Vehicle for any kind of test or competition (including those deemed as competition by the Lessor), or to tow or push another vehicle, without the consent of the Lessor.

  6. Use the Rental Vehicle in violation of laws, regulations, or public order and morals.

  7. purchase damage insurance for the rental car without the consent of the Lessor; or

  8. Take the rented car out of Japan.

  9. To engage in any act that will cause significant inconvenience to the Lessor or other Lessee (including, but not limited to, leaving items, etc. inside the Rental Car, smoking in a non-smoking vehicle, or otherwise defacing the Rental Car).

  10. Engaging in any other acts that violate the terms and conditions of the rental agreement or the terms and conditions of the rental agreement as stipulated in Article 7.


Article 17 (Illegal Parking)

  1. In the event that the Lessee or the Transporter illegally parks the Rental Car in accordance with the Road Traffic Law, the Lessee or the Transporter shall immediately report to the police station having jurisdiction over the area where the illegal parking took place (the "Police Station Having Jurisdiction") and pay, at its own responsibility and expense, the Penalty Charges and other costs for towing, storage and retrieval, etc., associated with the illegally parked Rental Car (the "Disposition"). The Lessor shall, at its own responsibility and expense, pay the Penalty Charges, etc. for the Illegal Note Vehicle and the expenses for towing, storage and retrieval, etc. associated with the Illegal Note Vehicle (hereinafter "Disposition of Violation").

  2. When the Lessor is notified by the police of the illegal parking of the Rental Car, the Lessor shall inform the Lessee or the Driver and instruct the Lessee or the Driver to move the Rental Car promptly and to report to the police station having jurisdiction over the Rental Car for disposal of the violation by the end of the rental period or at the Lessor's instruction, and the Lessee or the Driver shall comply with such instruction. The renter or driver shall comply with such instructions. In the event that the rental car is moved by the police, the Lessor may, at the Lessor's discretion, personally pick up the rental car from the police station.

  3. After giving the instructions in the preceding paragraph, the Lessor shall, at the Lessor's discretion, confirm the status of the violation by means of a traffic infraction notice, payment slip, receipt, etc., and if the violation has not been processed, the Lessor shall repeat the instructions in the preceding paragraph to the lessee or driver until the violation is processed. In the event that the lessee or the driver fails to comply with the instructions of the preceding paragraph, the RENTER may cancel the rental agreement without any notice and demand the immediate return of the rental car, and the lessee or the driver may demand that the RENTER or the driver submit to the police the fact that he/she has illegally indulged in the car and that he/she appear at a police station and take legal action against him/her for violating the law. The borrower or driver shall sign a document (hereinafter referred to as "Self-Acknowledgment") prescribed by the Lessor stating that he/she has committed an illegal indulgence and that he/she will appear at a police station, etc. and comply with legal measures as a violator.

  4. The Borrower or the Driver agrees to cooperate with the police as necessary by submitting to the police the Self-Acknowledgement, the Rental Certificate and other materials containing personal information, and to submit to the Public Safety Commission the written explanation, the Self-Acknowledgement, the Rental Certificate and other materials provided for in Article 51-4, Paragraph 6 of the Road Traffic Law, if deemed necessary by the Charterer.

  5. In the event that the borrower or the driver fails to take care of any violation by the time the rental car is returned, or if the RENTER incurs expenses incurred in searching for the borrower or the driver or the rental car (hereinafter referred to as "Search Expenses"), or if the RENTER incurs expenses incurred in moving, storing or retrieving the vehicle (hereinafter referred to as "Vehicle Management Expenses"), the borrower agrees to pay the RENTER the expenses incurred by the RENTER in connection with such search or retrieval. In the event that the borrower incurs any of the following expenses (hereinafter referred to as "Vehicle Management Expenses"), the borrower shall pay the following expenses to the Charterer by the date specified by the Charterer.

    1. an amount equivalent to the Abandonment Violation Charge

    2. a parking violation penalty as specified below by the Lessor (together with (1) above, the "Violation Charges")

    3. Searching and vehicle management fees


If the violation is not handled: Regular vehicle: 25,000 yen (tax not included) Large vehicle: 30,000 yen (tax not included)


  1. The Lessor shall return the parking fines to the Lessee if, after the Lessee has paid the Indemnity Fee to the Lessor in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the Lessor receives a refund of the Indemnity Fee due to the payment of a fine for such parking violation or the filing of a public prosecution or the referral to a family court trial.



Article 18 (GPS Function)

The Lessee and the Driver agree that the Rental Vehicle may be equipped with a Global Positioning System ("GPS Function") and that the Rental Vehicle's current location, route and other information will be recorded in a system prescribed by the Lessor, and that the Lessor may use such recorded information for the following purposes

  1. To confirm that the rental car has been returned to the designated place at the end of the rental agreement.

  2. To confirm the current location of the Rental Car in the cases provided for in each item of Article 24.1 or when deemed necessary for the management of the Rental Car or for the performance of the Rental Agreement, etc.

  3. To use the information for marketing analysis to improve the quality of products, services, etc. provided to the lessee and driver and to enhance customer satisfaction. 3.

The RENTER and the DRIVER agree that the information recorded by the GPS function in Paragraph 1 may be disclosed by the RENTER to the extent necessary in the event that the RENTER is required to disclose such information by law or is ordered to disclose such information by a court, administrative agency or other public body.


Article 19 (drive recorder)

The Lessee and the Driver agree that the RENTER may have a dry recorder installed in the RENTER and that the driving conditions of the Lessee and the RENTER will be recorded and that the RENTER will use such recorded information for the following purposes

  1. In the event of an accident, to ascertain the circumstances surrounding the accident.

  2. to confirm the driving conditions of the lessee and the driver when deemed necessary for the management of the rental car or fulfillment of the rental agreement, etc.

  3. To use the information for marketing analysis to improve the quality of products, services, etc. provided to the renter and driver and to enhance customer satisfaction. 3.

The borrower and the driver agree that the information recorded by the dry recorder in Paragraph 1 may be disclosed to the extent necessary in the event that the Recipient is required to disclose such information by law or in the event that the Recipient is ordered to disclose such information by a court, administrative agency, or other public body.


Chapter 5 RETURN


Article 20 (responsibility of the lessee to return the rental vehicle)

The Lessee shall return the Rental Car to the RENTER at the designated return location by the expiration of the Rental Period.

If the RENTER is unable to return the RENTER within the RENTAL PERIOD due to a natural disaster or other force majeure, the RENTER shall immediately notify the Lessor and follow the Lessor's instructions.


Article 21 (confirmation of rental car, etc.)

  1. The RENTER shall return the RENTERED CAR in the presence of the LESSEE in the condition in which it was delivered, except for deterioration and wear resulting from normal use or damage caused by reasons beyond the control of the RENTER or the DRIVER.

  2. The RENTER shall ensure that the RENTAL CAR is returned free of any articles left behind by the RENTER, the DRIVER or the passengers.


Article 22 (timing of return of rental car, etc.)

  1. In the event of an extension of the Rental Period pursuant to Article 11, the Lessee shall pay the lower of the Rental Charge corresponding to the new Rental Period or the sum of the Rental Charge before the change and any excess charges.

  2. If the RENTER returns the RENTAL CAR after the RENTAL PERIOD has been extended without the consent of the CHANTER RACER pursuant to Article 11, the RENTER shall pay, in addition to the charges set forth in the preceding paragraph, a penalty fee equal to twice the excess charge for the excess time.


Article 23 (place of return of rental car, etc.)

  1. If the RENTER changes the designated place of return pursuant to Article 11, the RENTER shall bear the costs of transportation (hereinafter referred to as "Transportation Costs") required as a result of the change in the place of return.

  2. If the RENTER returns the RENTAL CAR to a place other than the designated return location without the RENTER's consent in accordance with Article 11, the RENTER shall pay a penalty fee equal to double the extra cost of return transportation.


Article 24 (Measures to be taken if the rented car is not returned)

  1. In the event that any of the following cases applies to the Lessee, the Lessor shall take legal measures such as filing a criminal complaint, or take necessary measures to locate the rental car by using the vehicle location information system and report the non-return of the rental car to the Japan Car Rental Association.

  2. The RENTER does not respond to the request for return of the RENTAL CAR by the DRIVER despite the expiration of the RENTAL PERIOD.

  3. When the borrower's whereabouts are unknown or otherwise deemed to have failed to return the leased equipment.


In the case of each item of the preceding paragraph, the Lessee shall pay to the Charterer any extra expenses, etc. incurred by the Charterer in searching for the Lessee and in collecting the Rental Car.


Article 25 (Agreement on Registration and Use of Rental Information)

  1. the Lessee agrees that if any of the following events occurs, {the Lessee's name, date of birth, date of birth, driver's license number, and other information based on the objective fact of the loan (hereinafter referred to as "Lending Information") will be registered in the JRCS system and on the Lending Caution List for a period not exceeding 7 years.

  2. the borrower or driver fails to pay to the charterer an indulgence fee as provided in Article 17, Paragraph 5 by the due date designated by the charterer;

  3. when any of the items of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article is applicable. 

  4. Notwithstanding the provisions regarding the handling of personal information at the beginning of the General Terms and Conditions, the borrower agrees to the following

    1. That the rental information registered in the JRCS system will be used by the Japan Rent-A-Car Association and its member rental car associations in each of the member prefectures, as well as by the car rental companies in those prefectures.

    2. Rental information registered in the Rental Notice List will be used by TOYOTA MOTOR CO.

Chapter 6 Breakdown Accident Measures in case of theft


Article 26 (Malfunction of Rental Car)

If the RENTER or the DRIVER discovers any abnormality or malfunction of the RENTAL CAR during use, the RENTER or the DRIVER shall immediately stop driving the RENTAL CAR, notify the OBLIGATOR and follow the instructions of the OBLIGATOR.


Article 27 (accidents)

In the event of an accident involving the Rented Car while in use, the Lessee or the Driver shall immediately stop driving the Rented Car, take all legally required measures regardless of the size of the accident, and take the following measures

  1. Immediately report to the RENTER the circumstances of the accident and follow the instructions of the RENTER.

  2. In the event that the rental car is repaired in accordance with the instructions given in the preceding item, the repairs shall be made by the charterer or at a factory designated by the charterer, unless otherwise approved by the charterer.

  3. cooperate with any investigation of the accident by the charterer and the insurance company with which the charterer has a contract, and submit without delay any documents, etc. required by the charterer and the insurance company

  4. obtain the consent of the Charterer in advance when settling or otherwise agreeing with the other party with respect to the accident.

  5. In addition to the preceding paragraph, the borrower or driver shall be responsible for handling and resolving accidents on his/her own responsibility.

  6. The Lessor shall provide advice to the Lessee or the Driver regarding the handling of the accident and shall cooperate in the resolution of the accident. 4.

  7. The Lessor shall, for the purpose of confirming the circumstances at the time of an accident, record the circumstances when an impact occurs or emergency braking is applied to a vehicle equipped with an on-board type accident recording device.The Lessor shall, if deemed necessary, take measures such as verifying the records of the preceding paragraph.


Non Operation Charge (NOC)

In the event of a car accident, incident, theft, break down, defacement, odor, including smoking in no smoking vehicle, or other causes not attributable to LODGE403, the customer may be charged an NOC as part of the compensation for loss of use during the repair or cleaning of the vehicle.


When the rental car is driven back to the scheduled business office - 50,000JPY

When the rental car cannot be driven back - 100,000JPY


※You are responsible for the cost of the following types of damage:

・Flat or burst tires

・Damaged tire wheels and lost or damaged hubcaps

・Damage caused by car supplies such as snow chains, roof racks, etc.

・Loss of or damage to equipment in the car

・Cracked or broken glass caused by flying stones or other objects

・Running out of battery during use

・In case the rental car is repaired or parts are replaced without notifying us

・Towing costs that were necessary due to accidents, etc.

・Lost or damaged keys


※The customer will be responsible for all accidents resulting from the following driving or conditions:
(Not covered by insurance or deductible)

・In case of failure to report the accident to the police and us from the scene of the accident

・In case of failure to contact the insurance company from the scene of the accident

・In case of a false report

・In case of settling with the other party without our consent

・Accidents due to unauthorized extension

・Accidents caused by drivers who have not submitted a copy of their driver's license

・Accidents caused by not wearing safety belts while driving

・Driving under the influence of alcohol

・Driving without license

・Damage to vehicle caused by theft

・Accidents caused by driving over capacity

・In case of driving on a road other than a roadway, such as a beach, riverbed, or forest road

・Repair costs for damage or corrosion to the vehicle caused by poor usage

・In case of use for various trials or competitions, or for towing or pushing other vehicle

・Accidents involving our rental cars with the vehicles you own, use, or control

・Failure due to operational errors

・In case of use in violation of the terms and conditions of our Rental Agreement

・Other accidents that fall under the exclusions in the policy terms and conditions

・Accidents due to customer's mismanagement of vehicles

・Accidents due to excessive speed

・Accidents due to crossing the center line in a no-passing zone

・Accidents due to ignoring a traffic light

・Accidents due to go through a stop sign

・Accidents caused by illegal right turn, illegal U-turn, or entering in a direction other than that designated

・In case of an accident or malfunction that is deemed malicious or intentional, the actual cost of repair will be charged.


Article 28 (Theft)

If the rental car is stolen or otherwise damaged during use, the lessee or driver shall take the following measures

  1. Immediately notify the nearest police station.

  2. Immediately report the damage to the charterer and follow the instructions of the charterer.

  3. cooperate with the transporter and the insurance company with which the transporter has a contract regarding theft damage, and submit any documents, etc. required by the transporter and the insurance company without delay.


Article 29 (termination of rental agreement due to loss of use)

  1. The Rental Agreement shall terminate if the Rental Car becomes unusable during the Rental Period due to a breakdown, accident, theft or any other reason (hereinafter referred to as "Breakdown, etc.").

  2. In the case of the preceding paragraph, the Lessee shall be responsible for the extra expenses required to pick up and repair the Rental Car, and the Renter shall not refund the Rental Charges already received by the Lessor. However, this shall not apply if the breakdown, etc. is due to the reasons specified in Paragraph 3 or 5.

  3. If the breakdown is due to a defect that existed prior to the rental of the rental car, a defect or other failure of the rental car to conform to the terms and conditions of the rental agreement, the Lessee may obtain a replacement rental car from the Lessor. Article 5.3 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the conditions under which the replacement rental car will be provided.

  4. If the Lessee does not receive a replacement rental car as provided in the preceding paragraph, the Lessor shall return the rental fee received in full. The same shall apply when the Lessor is unable to provide a replacement rental car.

  5. If the breakdown, etc. is caused by reasons not attributable to either the Lessee, the Driver or the Lessor, the Lessor shall refund to the Lessee the balance of the Rental Charges received after deducting the Rental Charges corresponding to the period from the time of delivery to the termination of the rental agreement from the Rental Charges received.

  6. Except for the measures provided for in this Article, the Lessee shall not make any claim against the Charteror for damages arising out of the Lessee's inability to use the Rental Car other than as provided for in this Article. The RENTER shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of the RENTER's failure to use the RENTAL CAR, except in cases where the failure was caused by the intentional or gross negligence of the RENTER.



Chapter 7 compensation and indemnification


Article 30 (compensation and business indemnification by borrower)

  1. the Lessee shall indemnify the RENTER for any damage caused by the RENTER or the DRIVER to the RENTER's RENTAL CAR in connection with the use of the RENTAL CAR rented by the RENTER. However, this shall not apply in cases where the damage is caused by reasons not attributable to the lessee or the driver.

  2. In the event that the Lessee is liable for damages pursuant to the preceding paragraph, damages caused by accident, theft, breakdown due to reasons attributable to the Lessee or the Driver, stain or odor of the Rental Car, etc., which renders the Rental Car unusable by the Renter, shall be as provided for in the Schedule of Charges, etc., and the Lessee shall pay such damages. The lessee shall pay for such damages.

  3. The Lessee or the Driver shall compensate for any damage caused to a third party or the RENTER by the intentional or negligent conduct of the Lessee or the Driver during the use of the Rented Car.

  4. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraphs, with respect to damage caused by a disaster designated as a severe disaster under Article 2 of the Act on Special Financial Assistance to Deal with Severe Disasters (Act No. 150 of 1962) (hereinafter referred to as "Severe Disaster J"), if such damage was caused by force majeure in the area designated as such a severe disaster, the RENTER shall compensate for such damage. The Lessee or the Driver shall not be required to compensate for any Damage to the Rental Car that is lost, damaged or otherwise damaged due to force majeure in the area designated as such an Extreme Disaster, except in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Lessee or the Driver.


Article 31 (Insurance)

In the event that the Lessee is liable for damages under the provisions of the Rental Agreement or the Driver is liable for damages under Paragraph 3 of the preceding Article, the RENTER will be reimbursed by the insurance policy concluded by the RENTER for the RENTAL CAR within the following limits. However, this insurance benefit shall not be paid if any of the exclusions of liability under the terms and conditions of the insurance policy applies.

  1. Compensation for bodily injury: Unlimited per person (including liability insurance)

  2. Compensation for property: Unlimited per accident (no deductible)

  3. Vehicle coverage up to ¥3.5 million per accident (with a deductible of ¥100,000)

  4. Personal Accident Compensation Up to 50 million yen per person

  1. damages for which insurance benefits are not provided and damages in excess of the insurance amount provided under the preceding paragraph shall be borne by the borrower or driver.

  2. When the lender has paid the number of damages to be borne by the borrower or the driver as provided in the preceding paragraph, the borrower or the driver shall immediately reimburse the lender for the amount paid by the lender.

  3. If the borrower has paid to the charterer in advance an indemnity charge for damages equivalent to the amount of the insurance exemption provided for in Paragraph (1), the borrower or driver shall bear the liability of the charterer. However, if such indemnity fee has not been paid by the borrower, the borrower shall be responsible for such damage.

  4. The amount equivalent to the insurance premium for the damage insurance policy stipulated in Paragraph 1 shall be included in the rental fee.


Chapter 8 Cancellation


Article 32 (Cancellation of Rental Agreement)

The RENTER may cancel the Rental Agreement without notice and demand the return of the RENTER immediately in the event that the RENTER violates any of the provisions of this Agreement during the RENTER period. In such a case, the Renter shall return to the Lessee the balance, if any, after deducting from the Rental Charges already received by the Renter the Rental Charges corresponding to the period between the renting and the cancellation and the amount of compensation for damages due to the cancellation of the contract.


Article 33 (Cancellation of Agreement)

  1. The Lessee may cancel the Rental Agreement with the consent of the Charteror even during the Rental Period. In such case, the Lessor shall return to the Lessee the balance of the Rental Charges received, less the Rental Charges corresponding to the period from the time of delivery to the time of return.

  2. In the event of cancellation under the preceding paragraph, the Lessee shall pay to the Charterer the following cancellation fee Cancellation fee = {(basic fee corresponding to the scheduled borrowing period) ÷ (basic fee corresponding to the period from the time of delivery to the time of return)} X 50%.


Chapter 9 Miscellaneous Provisions


Article 34 (Offsetting)

Whenever the Charteror owes any monetary obligation to the Lessee under these Conditions of Carriage, the Charteror may offset such obligation against any monetary obligation owed by the Lessee to the Charterer.


Article 35 (Consumption Tax)

The Lessee shall pay to the Charterer any consumption tax (including local consumption tax) imposed on transactions under these Conditions of Carriage. The borrower shall pay to the charterer the consumption tax (including local consumption tax) imposed on transactions under these Conditions of Carriage.


Article 36.

If the Lessee and the Charterer fail to perform any obligation under these Conditions of Carriage, the Lessee and the Charterer shall pay to the other party a penalty at the rate of 14.6% per annum.

If the borrower or the transporter fails to perform any obligation under these Conditions of Carriage, the borrower or the transporter shall pay to the other party a late charge at the rate of 14.6% per annum.


Article 37. Governing law shall be the laws of Japan.

If there is any difference between the Japanese version of the Terms and Conditions and the English or other non-Japanese version, the Japanese version shall prevail.


Article 39 (Posting of Conditions of Carriage, etc.)

  1. The Lessor may revise the Terms and Conditions or establish separate terms and conditions by giving advance notice thereof on the Lessor's website, etc.

  2. If the Lessor revises these Conditions of Carriage or establishes detailed regulations separately, the Lessor shall post such revisions or regulations at the Lessor's business office, and shall include such revisions or regulations in a brochure issued by the Lessor, in its price list, and on its website. The same shall apply in the event of any change thereof.


Article 40 (Court of Jurisdiction)

In the event of any dispute over the rights and obligations under these Conditions of Carriage, the court having jurisdiction over the location of the head office of the Charteror shall be the court of exclusive jurisdiction.


Supplementary Provisions These General Terms and Conditions shall come into effect as from September 1, 2021.Amendment from April 1st, 2023.



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Offices located in

Hakuba, Nagano

27721-491, Kamishiro, Hakuba-mura, Kitaazumino-gun,Nagano 399-9211

Mizonokuchi, Kanagawa

Room 404, 1-2-52 Suenaga,Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki

Kanagawa 213-0013

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